Refund and Returns Policy

For all refund issues pertaining to orders made at, we encourage you to contact us via email at

Please note that we do not handle refunds for purchases made at independent retail locations. If you purchased a T&M product at a retail location, or through a website other than, you will need to deal directly with the store or website where you made the purchase, as we have no way to monitor their orders or inventory.

If you purchased from and something is wrong with your purchase, you may be entitled to a refund as long as we are notified within 5 days of delivery. Refunds are not guaranteed, and no returns will be given if you have not contacted us within 5 days of your purchase being delivered. You will need to send back the damaged or unused portion of your product before being issued a refund or exchange. A restocking fee may apply.

If a product arrives damaged and unusable, you must notify us the day of product arrival via email at Please include the Order Number, as well as a picture of the current state of the damaged product.

We retain the right to deny any refund for any reason. We also retain the right to deny service or sales to any person(s), business, or entity for any reason.